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Raya and the Interminable Backstory

Updated: Jul 6, 2021

The film is gorgeous, with vibrant environments and outstanding character models. If you want to see cool-looking characters doing cool-looking stuff for two hours, look no further.

If you want a well-told story, better get off at a different stop. In its two hours, Raya is never done expanding its lore and revisiting its backstory. This causes a series of storytelling problems. It never settles into the present conflict or establishes sufficient tension. Story beats feel episodic, and are frequently resolved in ways that feel too easy or convenient. It doesn't proportion enough time to the extended cast. The supporting characters are poorly fleshed out, and the relationships between characters progress more quickly than feels natural.

The resolution of the main conflict is great and heartwarming, if largely unearned. And the bow they tie on their world at the end is a little garish.

I still think it's worth the time to see the visual designs of all the characters, the beautiful environments, and some of the fight scenes. Lightly recommended.

Plot: 3

Characters: 5

Themes: 6

Spectacle: 9

Overall score: Four shiny MacGuffins.

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